Life and its Curveballs.
I should be doing homework. But instead, I couldn't drag myself to do it, so instead I'm here, writing my feelings. Mounting them onto the transparent wall of the internet. So, my life? Well, this year has thrown me many curve-balls. I think I have things figured out. I think the ball is right about to head right over home plate, I swing at it.... and miss. The ball curves and hits me unexpectedly. I just don't understand my feelings anymore. Things seem to change like the wind. And now my life has become a bit more exciting and confusing. Now, I'm not complaining, because I always wanted excitement, but life becomes a bit twistier than you expect sometimes. We can't see what's coming. But there is One who does.
You see, in all my confusion and blind walks into life, I should have sought God for the answers. He's the only one who knows which way the balls curve and what new excitement our life will hold. So as I search and senselessly try to figure things out, God has it all in control, I only need to call on him and seek Him for the answers. He won't reveal the whole picture, but just enough to trust Him and follow His commands. In fact sometimes He leads us with nothing else to go on except the faith we have in Him. Sometimes, its just a matter of trust and obedience. Denying our wants and earthly wisdom and accepting everything he has called us to do.
I absolutely needed to read that right now! Like my mom told me the other night, "I know your life isn't going the way you want it to right now, but hardly anyone's does." So true! Thank you for sharing that! Btw, love the layout of your blog (: