Sunday, August 28, 2011

Searching beneath your own surface.

               So many times, we see someone for what they are on the outside and how they generally act. Our relationships with others are just "skin deep". Do we look beneath the surface? Do we search out the real person beneath all the fronts and masks? Sometimes I believe that we tend to stray away from doing this because we're afraid of what we might find. We also know that the idea of someone possibly knowing the depths of our being is far too much to risk, so why would we want to search for that in others? Here's the thing. Its important to know others for who they truly are inside and beneath the surface, yet this can only happen when you take the time to look beneath yours.
             Now, I can't fully explain to you how to examine yourself and find out who you truly are, all I know is you are who God created you to be. Some of us (not all) have masked the qualities and personality that God has given us and tried to be someone else in order to fit in with "the crowd." The world has wounded us, shoving us to the floor telling us it is worthless to try and be ourselves all the while having the approval of others. But here's the truth,

"You are the glorious image-bearer of the Lord Jesus Christ - the crown of His creation. You have been assaulted. You have fallen to your own resources. Your enemy has seized upon your wounds and your sins to pin your heart down. Now  the son of God has come to ransom you, and heal your broken, wounded, bleeding heart, and  set you free from bondage. He came for the broken-hearted captives. That's me. That's you. He came to restore the glorious creation that you are. And then set you free... to be yourself."
~From Captivating (John and Stasi Elderedge)

               That's what God put beneath our surface.. God wants to see us free from hiding. So before we move on to searching beneath the surface of others, let's get it right with ourselves first. God will heal your wounds, He'll renew you heart. So let the restoration begin.

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