Its funny how life is. We enter new chapters in life. Turn pages. Meet new characters. Its all so intriguing how life seems mirror a book. Its the never-ending metaphor. In graduations we hear countless times the single phrase, "Right now, you're starting a new chapter in life." But for me, I like to look at it as a new book. Life involves far too much to be included in a single book, even if it does have hundreds of chapters. But rather, for me, life is a series of books, each with several chapters pertaining to each different volume. You see, there just some events in life that can't be placed in the same old book. For instance, there are times in life that we wish we could start over and start fresh. In these cases its not enough to simply turn a page and start a new chapter, no. We need a entirely new book. For me, I'm finishing off the end of one of my books. Sure, I still have one year left in the academy - high school, but I can already tell preparations for my next novel are in place. The binding is being prepared, every page is numbered, and the setting is being readied.
So what's new? My sister has left for college, and oh how I miss her. Far too much. But now even I am making the preparations. Looking at applications, practicing for SAT's, and preparing myself for the busy road ahead. Its hard looking back at the beautiful times in your childhood and knowing that you'll no longer live them out. But it too, is beautiful to know that you have an entire life ahead of you waiting for you to embrace it. You have entire books waiting to be filled with your life experience. Entirely new characters waiting to meet you. And even the special one who will truly make you fall hard for love. The novels will be filled with romance, heartache, fulfillment, love, pain, and everything that comes with life. The hard times will help you see what beautiful means. For, doesn't a desperate fight make the victory seem more beautiful?
"Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid."