Sunday, July 24, 2011

Bucket List - Visit Iceland

2. Take a Vacation to Iceland

           Yes, as random as it may sound, I absolutely love Iceland. I've never been there before, but in all the pictures I've seen, it just seems amazing. It looks kind of like Ireland, but with a twist of Canadian weather, and of course, it also has auroras! (how perfect!) Anyways, for all you out there reading this here are 5 interesting facts about Iceland.

1. Iceland has the highest literary rate in the world
2. Iceland is located about half-way between New York and Moscow
3. Iceland is know to be the 4th happiest country in the world (I'd fit in there!)
4. Life expectancy is 81.3 years for woman and 76 years for men, one of the highest life expectancies in the world!
5. Icelandic language has been virtually unchanged in the last 1000 years 

              Think me weird, but I just feel that this country has been a bit forgotten. Maybe that's why I love it so much. For some reason, I have always had a heart for things that are forgotten, concealed from the world. Iceland's kind of like a hidden treasure. It may be overlooked but I'm sure when you visit it, its quite beautiful. Life is sometimes like that. There's times in life where the most beautiful things are veiled from our view. Our life may seem to have no "sparkle" (I know mine feels like that sometimes) yet God made our life beautiful, even when it seems to be unseen at times. God works in the unseen.

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