Komið til mín ástin mín.
Dansaðu við mig í rigningunni.
Umhirða fyrir mig mjög.
Kyssa mig djúpt.
En mest af öllu, elska mig eindregið.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas.
To all of my faithful blog-followers hope your Christmas has been as wonderful as mine. I have always known my family was blessed, but last night it really hit me how extremely kind and gracious God has been to me. My sister and I watched some of our childhood Christmas videos, and what we saw was pure love. Our parents truly loved us and loved each other. Our grandparents showered us with beautiful clothes and kindness. The house was full of laughter and joy. After watching several years of Christmas mornings my sister and I watched some of our old Christmas pageants. Each Christmas as children my mom had my sister and I perform the Christmas story. Watching those old Christmas pageants was not only precious but also hilarious! We were both such silly and adorable kids.
Another encouragement to all of you, before you go to sleep tonight take sometime to read Luke 2, it truly explains the real meaning of Christmas. And when you read it, don't simply look on with the same mind set as years before, take another angle, search for something you haven't noticed before. Enjoy this gift God has given you. We are all so blessed to receive Christ as our Savior. Sometimes the best gifts are over-looked the most. Don't overlook Christ this Christmas. Below, I posted my favorite Christmas song of all time - I'll be home for Christmas by Amy Grant. Merry Christmas and have a happy new year!
Another encouragement to all of you, before you go to sleep tonight take sometime to read Luke 2, it truly explains the real meaning of Christmas. And when you read it, don't simply look on with the same mind set as years before, take another angle, search for something you haven't noticed before. Enjoy this gift God has given you. We are all so blessed to receive Christ as our Savior. Sometimes the best gifts are over-looked the most. Don't overlook Christ this Christmas. Below, I posted my favorite Christmas song of all time - I'll be home for Christmas by Amy Grant. Merry Christmas and have a happy new year!
Monday, December 17, 2012
Busy days.
I realize I haven't been around all to much, and I'm sorry for that, but thanks for still being loyal enough to follow along. I've been so busy with school lately its been absolutely crazy. However, my winter break comes is less than 5 days so I just have to hang in here a little longer and then I'll be all finished for this semester. And then? Well after this semester I'll enter my last semester of high school. What was that? Last. Semester. Of. High. School. Craziness, absolute craziness. And guess what? I think I've chosen my college! Covenant College is my choice I'm pretty sure. I honestly can't wait to sign up, I just have to wait and see the scholarship package I receive just to make sure. Life has sure flown by, it seems like just yesterday I was swinging on my swing-set with my sister and coloring for homework and now, well now I'm planning out the rest of my life. Be careful. Life is busy and crazy and it honestly moves by so fast.
I also wanted to let you all know that I have some big plans for this blog in the new year. I'm planning on completely redesigning it with a blogger "dynamic view" or a new layout. It'll be definitely different but the same old me writing here! So hang around y'all. I'll be keeping you updated.
On my mind...,
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thankful for my stress
How many times have we complained about something that was shallow? How many times have we moaned about having too much homework or being exhausted or not having enough friends? The other night I was in this exact type of situation. And it was then I realized the things I complain about are actually blessings. When I complain about too much homework God reminds me that I am blessed to receive an education and have the opportunity to have homework. When I complain to God about missing my sister at college, God reminds me that I'm so blessed to even have a godly and loving sister. When I complain about PMSing and cramps God reminds me I am blessed because one day I will to be able to have children. There are so many things that we complain about that are actually blessings in disguise. Not even. They are downright blessings he's given us. So think next time you complain to God. You could be moaning over a blessing He's given you.
Holy Thoughts
Monday, November 26, 2012
Its Been a While...
Sorry everyone, I must admit, I had free time - Thanksgiving Break in fact! Yet, I didn't write to you all. I'm sorry, sometimes you just need a break from the blogger's sphere. But I'm here now, and since I've been gone, I had an amazing thanksgiving with my family (My sister came home from college!), put up Christmas decorations, started more scholarships, and drank up the joy of a refreshing week off of school. It was a refreshment to sleep in and awaken bathed in sunlight. It was a joy to stay up late laughing like a child with my sister like old times. It was a pleasure to go outside and soak up the cool winter air. What a wonderful break I've had. Be prepared, for I am sure ready to blog once more. I have an app on my phone to prove it. P.S. I'm going to start a 31 day blog challenge soon, so be excited!
On my mind...,
Friday, November 16, 2012
Holy Thoughts,
On my mind...
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Colliding Thoughts
Its beautiful out. The weather's cool, the sky a velvety black. Its night and all is quiet. All I can hear are the thoughts running through my head as swift as a river. My life is unfolding before me. Before I know it I'll be packing for college and starting a career. Its all moving so quick. I've always thought that in life there are people who are made grown ups and some who are made children. And now it seems I'm utterly and completely wrong. Because I, who was a child, is now being and changing into an adult. Crazy isn't it? I'll be legally an adult almost 3 months. Where will I go in life? Who will I become? How far will I go to make sure that I am obeying and living for Christ?
Its getting late now and my eyelids have slowly begun to sink downwards. The day is ending and a many more shall begin, in fact, now that I ponder it, I've realized that I shall never stop existing from now on until the end of eternity. That's a huge thought. And its all because of the One who made me. The One who knows where I am now and where I will be. Unto Him be all the credit.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Tragically Beautiful
I've come to the conclusion that my life is tragically beautiful. Its horrible and jaw-dropping and startling and breathtaking. Its everything I'd never want, but in the end its something I'll always love. Life makes makes me cry and laugh and feel warm inside. Life's a mystery. Its like putting together a puzzle without the picture, because honestly, there is no formula given for perfection. And at the end of all life's confusion, I've found that for most it is ultimately and utterly tragic - tragic for those with no map. But that's what makes it beautiful for me - I do have a map.
Within life's craziness, God's given us narrow view of what's ahead, a source of direction. So life, although tragic and horrible at times, has its sunsets and beautiful beginnings. God's grace, guidance, and goodness along with those impacted by His beauty add colorful light to the tragic darkness around us. Christ is all things beautiful and bright. Complacent Christians, can we please stop trying to be "cool" and "current" and simply imitate Him? Why can't we simply reflect his beautiful glory into the world? Because, when you take a chance to look, its obvious that its a tragic place out there. The world is longing for beauty whether they admit it or not. Can we all, as Christ-bearers, agree to be beautiful together?
Within life's craziness, God's given us narrow view of what's ahead, a source of direction. So life, although tragic and horrible at times, has its sunsets and beautiful beginnings. God's grace, guidance, and goodness along with those impacted by His beauty add colorful light to the tragic darkness around us. Christ is all things beautiful and bright. Complacent Christians, can we please stop trying to be "cool" and "current" and simply imitate Him? Why can't we simply reflect his beautiful glory into the world? Because, when you take a chance to look, its obvious that its a tragic place out there. The world is longing for beauty whether they admit it or not. Can we all, as Christ-bearers, agree to be beautiful together?
"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma. But immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints; and there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks. For this you know with certainty, that no immoral or impure person or covetous man, who is an idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not be partakers with them; for you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as children of Light (for the fruit of the Light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth), trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord." ~ Ephesians 5:1-10
Hard times,
Holy Thoughts
Saturday, November 3, 2012
I was so unique
Now I feel skin deep
I count on the make-up to cover it all
Crying myself to sleep cause I cannot keep their attention
I thought I could be strong
But it's killing me
Does someone hear my cry?
I'm dying for new life
I want to be beautiful
Make you stand in awe
Look inside my heart,
and be amazed
I want to hear you say
Who I am is quite enough
Just want to be worthy of love
And beautiful
Sometimes I wish I was someone other than me
Fighting to make the mirror happy
Trying to find whatever is missing
Won't you help me back to glory
You make me beautiful
You make me stand in awe
You step inside my heart, and I am amazed
I love to hear You say
Who I am is quite enough
You make me worthy of love and beautiful
Now I feel skin deep
I count on the make-up to cover it all
Crying myself to sleep cause I cannot keep their attention
I thought I could be strong
But it's killing me
Does someone hear my cry?
I'm dying for new life
I want to be beautiful
Make you stand in awe
Look inside my heart,
and be amazed
I want to hear you say
Who I am is quite enough
Just want to be worthy of love
And beautiful
Sometimes I wish I was someone other than me
Fighting to make the mirror happy
Trying to find whatever is missing
Won't you help me back to glory
You make me beautiful
You make me stand in awe
You step inside my heart, and I am amazed
I love to hear You say
Who I am is quite enough
You make me worthy of love and beautiful
On my mind...
Sunday, October 28, 2012
His Grace.
I know I already posted today, but I saw this on one of my favorite blogs (chattingatthesky.com) and I couldn't help but repost, I felt like I prayed this exact prayer earlier today.
"Oh God, gather me now to be with you as you are with me.
Soothe my tiredness;
quiet my fretfulness;
curb my aimlessness;
relieve my complusiveness;
let me be easy for a moment.
quiet my fretfulness;
curb my aimlessness;
relieve my complusiveness;
let me be easy for a moment.
O Lord, release me
from the fears and guilts which grip me so tightly;
from the expectations and opinions which I so tightly grip,
that I may be open
to receiving what you give,
to risking something genuinely new,
to learning something refreshingly different.
from the fears and guilts which grip me so tightly;
from the expectations and opinions which I so tightly grip,
that I may be open
to receiving what you give,
to risking something genuinely new,
to learning something refreshingly different.
Forgive me
for claiming so much for myself
that I leave no room for gratitude;
for confusing exercises in self-importance
with acceptance of self-worth;
for complaining so much of my burdens
that I become a burden;
for competing against others so insidiously
that I stifle celebrating them
and receiving your blessing through their gifts.
for claiming so much for myself
that I leave no room for gratitude;
for confusing exercises in self-importance
with acceptance of self-worth;
for complaining so much of my burdens
that I become a burden;
for competing against others so insidiously
that I stifle celebrating them
and receiving your blessing through their gifts.
O God, gather me to be with you as you are with me.
Ted Loder, Guerillas of Grace
Hard times,
Holy Thoughts
A Prayer for Restoration
Dear Father,
Renew within me the fire you set in my heart this past summer. God renew within me the thirst I have for you, the desire for something more, the hope for something beautiful. God, I am never content with earthly things, only your true glory satisfies. Your blameless nature, your flawless love, God let me desire that. Not the attention of others, not the cooing and ahhhing of an audience, but rather I simply wish to desire your love.
God I don't understand my jealousy of others. I don't see why I wish sometimes to be different. You created me special, and everyone else unique as well. You love us all equally, but know us each intimately and separately. Why do I wish for more than I have, when I am already so blessed. Forgive me. Forgive me for coveting and jealousy and unkind words and impure thoughts.
Lord, I love you and I'm so very sorry for the times when I act as though I don't. I'm not perfect and you know that, so thank you for cleansing me with your son's blood. Thank you for forgiving and purifying me. I will love you always.
Your daugther
Renew within me the fire you set in my heart this past summer. God renew within me the thirst I have for you, the desire for something more, the hope for something beautiful. God, I am never content with earthly things, only your true glory satisfies. Your blameless nature, your flawless love, God let me desire that. Not the attention of others, not the cooing and ahhhing of an audience, but rather I simply wish to desire your love.
God I don't understand my jealousy of others. I don't see why I wish sometimes to be different. You created me special, and everyone else unique as well. You love us all equally, but know us each intimately and separately. Why do I wish for more than I have, when I am already so blessed. Forgive me. Forgive me for coveting and jealousy and unkind words and impure thoughts.
Lord, I love you and I'm so very sorry for the times when I act as though I don't. I'm not perfect and you know that, so thank you for cleansing me with your son's blood. Thank you for forgiving and purifying me. I will love you always.
Your daugther
Hard times,
Holy Thoughts
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Sweet Cider and Taylor Swift
Today was a beautiful day. I sat in sunshine and watched my senior girls play powder-puff football for homecoming week. And then went to church. I was utterly exhausted, but worship was beautiful and sitting among my small group girls was amazing. And at home I came home and listened to Swifty's new CD and sipped sweet cold apple cider. And in this all I rested. And received some fun freedom from the week's craziness. So here I sit, finally blogging, listening to Swift, and drinking sweet cider. Let's all take a long sigh of relief.
P.S. Here's one of my favorite songs on swift's new CD.
On my mind...
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Wait quietly.
“Wait quietly in My presence while My thoughts form silently in the depths of your being. Do not try to rush this process, because hurry keeps your heart earthbound.“ - Sarah Young, Jesus Calling
I'm going to be so honest here. Today was confusing and stressful and great and horrible all in the same. I leave tomorrow for 3 days to visit a possible future college choice. Its been so busy here and just the thought of being our of the loop for 3 days doesn't appeal to me. But, I'm still going. On top of it all, I'm finishing up the application process for a few colleges, which is rather stressful, and preparing for another application. I'm also missing my sister horribly and feeling rather lonely. I don't know which guy to like and who to trust. And on top of that all I have school and church ministries and academic scholarship programs and.....
In the middle of all my complaining and ranting about all my troubles my eternal Love comes in and quiets me. I just need somewhere to breath. Something to rejuvenate me. And He will do just that. I don't want a hurried earthbound heart, but rather one that is caught up in Christ's peaceful and calming beauty.
Hard times,
Holy Thoughts,
On my mind...,
Quotes/ Verses
Monday, October 15, 2012
My Sonnet - Thy Love
is not itself if it is not won,
If it is not grasped for and sought after,
Love is a journey not a condition.
It is a lifelong exultant laughter.
Love cries like sailors’ constant petitions,
To join their ship that salvages the heart,
From absorbing waters of division
That form maelstroms to tear true love apart.
So where is thine own love, thy man of bronze?
Where is He to win thy heart and thy hand?
Does he sit in a boat on a lake of swans?
Does he wait by water on calescent sand?
Or has he already lowly been seen,
Born amongst hay and dying on a tree?
Holy Thoughts,
Friday, October 12, 2012
Will I ever learn? Will I ever stop being so shallow? Will I ever learn to grow up? God, I wish I could keep my lips closed. I wish I could keep my heart unshaken. I wish I could contain my feelings. It hurts me. To look back and see myself so prideful. So full of myself and full of my own desires. Where is that heart of Christ I long for? Where is the beautifully redeemed side of me? I wish it would shine through. I wish I could simply be Yours God. I hate sin. But by do I do what I so much hate? Why do I still war against my fleshly self when it has already been put to death? O dear God, please help me.
"14For we know that the Law is spiritual, but I am of flesh, sold into bondage to sin. 15For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate. 16But if I do the very thing I do not want to do, I agree with the Law, confessing that the Law is good. 17So now, no longer am I the one doing it, but sin which dwells in me. 18For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh; for the willing is present in me, but the doing of the good is not. 19For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want. 20But if I am doing the very thing I do not want, I am no longer the one doing it, but sin which dwells in me. 21I find then the principle that evil is present in me, the one who wants to do good. 22For I joyfully concur with the law of God in the inner man, 23but I see a different law in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin which is in my members. 24Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death? 25Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, on the one hand I myself with my mind am serving the law of God, but on the other, with my flesh the law of sin.(Romans 7: 14-25)
Hard times,
Holy Thoughts,
Quotes/ Verses
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Our Groom.
I read this article on one of my favorite blogs, please read it and click on the link below. Its absolutely amazing. Enjoy!
Holy Thoughts,
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
In every season...
Holy Thoughts,
On my mind...
Saturday, October 6, 2012
❤Joyfully Single❤
You may have noticed a lot of posts lately about relationships or romance or just genuinely cutesy writing. I'm sure the Shakespeare's sonnet and "Dear Diary" post may have caught your attention. After much prayer and a few chats with God, I've realized that right now is a time for me to embrace being joyfully single. You see, nothing's wrong with having small crushes or dating, but rather the priority it has in your life. If it takes away from your relationship with God, its probably not the most fruitful thing to be doing at the moment. And that's what I realized. I'm leaving for college and less than a year as it is so any relationship I might eventually form would be short-lived considering my quick departure. Right now in life I want to be inseparable with my creator. Completely and hopelessly in love with Him.
Knowing that I could easily get too attached to someone God hasn't intended for me is also something I have remembered in making decision these days. A quote by C.S. Lewis caught my eye recently. It states,
"Don't let your happiness depend on something that you may lose."
I know that I will never ever lose Christ. He'll never walk away. So, as long as my happiness depends on Him, I know I shall never be let down. He will never leave me. He's my true love. I'm not a princess because I'm married to a prince, but rather because my Father is a King.
Holy Thoughts,
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Affirmation in Christ.
Let me not be affirmed this world. Let not my definition come from others. Let not my joy come from circumstance. Let not my confidence come from spoken words. Let me not love others because of their position or for their love back. Let me not define beauty by the magazines. Let me not dictate my actions by my emotions. Let me not be affirmed by this world.
But let me be affirmed in Christ. Let Him define me. Let my joy come from his everlasting love. Let my confidence be in Him and His words. Let me love because he first hath loved. Let me seek true inward beauty. Let me live by his truths. Let me be affirmed in Christ.
Holy Thoughts,
On my mind...
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Dear Diary,
I realize this is an awfully childish thing to do. To write in a diary... especially an online one, but despite that, for the sake all things girly and child-like here I go. Once again I'll say it:
Dear Diary,
I wish that boys would grow up into men. They're all too young now. I'm impatient about them, I know, but still, can't they mature sooner? However, in the midst of this, what if there is one mature enough to suit me? What do I do about it? What if there is one I find that I like? What then? And what if he's the type that's "untouchable, like a distant diamond sky" you know, the Taylor Swift song kind? What if he's someone no one would even would think I thought of? What if he's prideful and unreachable, but wonderful all in the same? What if He's like Mr. Darcy, a complete opposite to me, the Elizabeth? In the midst of all their pride and prejudice their relationship still worked, and marvelously so. But I guess that's just a book, an exception to love, not a rule for it. But what if... what if? I know it could never happen... I'm still not even sure about it, how could he ever be? Besides I'm leaving soon. Oh well, a guess a far fetched dream. Still, a dream nonetheless.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Someone to Watch Over Me.
Looking everywhere, haven't found him yet
He's the big affair I cannot forget
Only man I ever think of with regret
Letters to my lover,
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Through Sunshine and Starlight.
Through sunshine and starlight? Yes. God is the ever present light in our life. Sometimes He seems to shine for us brightly and with exuberance that we can't even seem to fathom. Like a bright ray of sunlight. Other times it seems He's far away, life is dark and hard, but yet, even in those dark nights He's still the sparkling star that lights up the sky. But whatever light He shines in, He still is always there shining for us, giving us life, just as it states in John 1:4-5,
"In Him was life, and that life was the light of mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."
God's presence never leaves us. No matter what horrors and aversions overtake us, His eternal delight and adoration of our souls will continue on... and on... and on... So. I thought this was a revelation worth telling of. And therefore, I have remodeled my blog to take my stance. My life will continue to change and as it does, I thinks it only fair to let you all know what I'm feeling and what going through. Every few years this blog may change names or layouts, but thats only because my life continues to change. However, there will be one thing that stays the same. My love for Christ. I pray that He will always be preeminent in writing.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Sonet CXI.
"Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come:
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved."
~William Shakespeare
Quotes/ Verses,
Friday, September 7, 2012
Just write.
Today is a day where I all I can feel is heartfelt emotion. Where I walk down the halls narrating my life story within my head, as if I were writing a book. It probably is some kind of disorder this compulsive writing of mine. Writing, that is not simply words on paper, but rather continuous anecdotes that are spoken within my mind and heart. Every person is a character. There are no sides parts. Only lead roles. You see, we each have a story.
We each have something far beneath us. Especially us "good church girls." Life can be unfair to us. We are deemed the perfectionist. The "church goer." The "pk's" of society. But beneath the church girl's mask of goodness, is a person, longing to be sought out as someone more than "nice" or "sweet" or "cute." We long to be seen as the passionate one. The mystery of the world. There is so much more to us than just a "good church girl." More fiery passion and jubilance. More character and intense love for Christ. More spirit and rapture. Search others. Look at us. Read us for who we are rather than our deemed impressions.
On my mind...,
Searching beneath
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Alone with God.
I feel isolated. Alone.
These were my thoughts for the past few nights. After being up late and working on homework for hours, I'd nestle into bed. My parents had already fallen into a deep sleep and it was then I'd feel utter loneliness. Usually I'd have my sister to sit in my room or talk to me while I worked but she's at college now. And silence has replaced her sweet spirit. So, far into the night I'd talk to God, feel his presence and yet still complain about being lonely. It was then I realized I that it was finally time I depended on Him alone. Why?
These were my thoughts for the past few nights. After being up late and working on homework for hours, I'd nestle into bed. My parents had already fallen into a deep sleep and it was then I'd feel utter loneliness. Usually I'd have my sister to sit in my room or talk to me while I worked but she's at college now. And silence has replaced her sweet spirit. So, far into the night I'd talk to God, feel his presence and yet still complain about being lonely. It was then I realized I that it was finally time I depended on Him alone. Why?
“If God is preparing you to make an impact on this world for His kingdom, chances are He will take you though a season of solitude. This is a season when you learn that you can’t lean upon anyone but Him for your confidence and when you gain the strength to stand alone even when no one stands with you.” (Leslie Ludy)
Its beautiful how God reveals his purposes. He knew my of my loneliness and He didn't hesitate to share with me the reason for my solitude - so that I may know how to impact the world for Him when all I have is Him. I can't think of it as dreadful isolation, but rather a beautiful time alone with Christ. Its best explained by Henri Nouwen.
“The Desert Fathers did not think of solitude as being alone, but as being alone with God. They did not think of silence as not speaking, but as listening to God. Solitude and silence are the context within which prayer is practiced.”
Within my solitude, I shall listen to the calming voice of Christ.
I shall quieted by His love.
And warmed in His presence.
Hard times,
On my mind...,
Quotes/ Verses
Sunday, September 2, 2012
3 days. One love.
Once again, I'm back to a 3 day weekend. So what will I do with my time? Love my life away. Love Jesus. Love family. Love friends. Love Music. I'm in love... in love with life.
On my mind...
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Finishing books.
Its funny how life is. We enter new chapters in life. Turn pages. Meet new characters. Its all so intriguing how life seems mirror a book. Its the never-ending metaphor. In graduations we hear countless times the single phrase, "Right now, you're starting a new chapter in life." But for me, I like to look at it as a new book. Life involves far too much to be included in a single book, even if it does have hundreds of chapters. But rather, for me, life is a series of books, each with several chapters pertaining to each different volume. You see, there just some events in life that can't be placed in the same old book. For instance, there are times in life that we wish we could start over and start fresh. In these cases its not enough to simply turn a page and start a new chapter, no. We need a entirely new book. For me, I'm finishing off the end of one of my books. Sure, I still have one year left in the academy - high school, but I can already tell preparations for my next novel are in place. The binding is being prepared, every page is numbered, and the setting is being readied.
So what's new? My sister has left for college, and oh how I miss her. Far too much. But now even I am making the preparations. Looking at applications, practicing for SAT's, and preparing myself for the busy road ahead. Its hard looking back at the beautiful times in your childhood and knowing that you'll no longer live them out. But it too, is beautiful to know that you have an entire life ahead of you waiting for you to embrace it. You have entire books waiting to be filled with your life experience. Entirely new characters waiting to meet you. And even the special one who will truly make you fall hard for love. The novels will be filled with romance, heartache, fulfillment, love, pain, and everything that comes with life. The hard times will help you see what beautiful means. For, doesn't a desperate fight make the victory seem more beautiful?
"Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid."
On my mind...
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Good-Bye Summer.
-Billows and Mangroves
-My Heart Sings
-Haiti Round 2.
-Never. Forget.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Never. Forget.
I arrived home from a long long road-trip to Tennessee just a few hours ago. I have to say, I miss you all very much, but even so, I remembered to take notes to bring back to you all from what I learned on my trip. The following words were written while on my adventure. Enjoy!
"Here I am. Sitting out on a wooden porch in a rocking chair listening to crickets chirp. The sun has just set and its that beautiful golden hour right before the sky turns velvety black. Its peaceful and wonderful. Its one of the last moments I have before things begin to get complicated. Before summer reading essays and AP art studying. Before driver tests and tight knit social circles. Before college applications and potentially boy trouble. So I'm taking it all in. The calm before the storm.
God, I need strength. Strength to deal with summer homework and school and friends and college applications and SAT prep and maybe even boys. Please Father help me to balance my work load. I need a huge overdose of diligence, better work ethic, state-of-the-art time planning skills, and especially discipline. Lots of that. All of it, I can't do it without you. Guide me. And hold me in the hard times. Help me to remember all I've learned this summer. That I can't do anything without You and that WE WERE MADE to thirst for You and long for Your love (not mere human attention although that may be desired as well). That nothing satisfies but You. That I am made in your perfect and beautiful image but sin has made me weak. But in that weakness You forever will make me strong. That any demeaning words against myself are lies of the enemy. That things can always get worse than my blessed situation now. That You are God and I am surely not. And in all this I pray I shall always remember that You will shelter me through ANY storm in the pavilion of Your love.
Still Discouraged? Read Psalm 27. Now."
"Here I am. Sitting out on a wooden porch in a rocking chair listening to crickets chirp. The sun has just set and its that beautiful golden hour right before the sky turns velvety black. Its peaceful and wonderful. Its one of the last moments I have before things begin to get complicated. Before summer reading essays and AP art studying. Before driver tests and tight knit social circles. Before college applications and potentially boy trouble. So I'm taking it all in. The calm before the storm.
God, I need strength. Strength to deal with summer homework and school and friends and college applications and SAT prep and maybe even boys. Please Father help me to balance my work load. I need a huge overdose of diligence, better work ethic, state-of-the-art time planning skills, and especially discipline. Lots of that. All of it, I can't do it without you. Guide me. And hold me in the hard times. Help me to remember all I've learned this summer. That I can't do anything without You and that WE WERE MADE to thirst for You and long for Your love (not mere human attention although that may be desired as well). That nothing satisfies but You. That I am made in your perfect and beautiful image but sin has made me weak. But in that weakness You forever will make me strong. That any demeaning words against myself are lies of the enemy. That things can always get worse than my blessed situation now. That You are God and I am surely not. And in all this I pray I shall always remember that You will shelter me through ANY storm in the pavilion of Your love.
Still Discouraged? Read Psalm 27. Now."
Holy Thoughts,
Friday, August 3, 2012
10 days.
My fellow blog readers, I will be away for the next 10 days with no internet. Although while some may be thoroughly upset by such a condition, I'm brimming with some joy. Why? Because sometimes no internet can be a relief, a time away from the online world and a vacation into the real world, the physical 3D world, not a 2D screen. So while I'm away I have 3 challenges for you. I'd like to keep you busy.
1. Discover a new passion, whether its a listening to a new favorite artist, finding a new hobby, or attending a new bible study at your church. Discover a new passion.
2. Find a hidden treasure. Now I'm not talking about a literal treasure although that's fun too. I'm saying go out on a limb. Eat somewhere you haven't before, discover a hidden cave, look us in the old attic, venture down to your basement and find something amazing.
3. Get friends involved. What's finding hidden treasure and new passions without a few friends? And also... if you could, maybe invite people to follow this blog as well. My goal is to get to 30 followers by the end of this year, will you help me with that?
Alright, well that's all for now, see you in 10 days. And feel free to share your findings with me below! Let me know if something totally amazing happens! Love you all. Talk to you soon.
1. Discover a new passion, whether its a listening to a new favorite artist, finding a new hobby, or attending a new bible study at your church. Discover a new passion.
2. Find a hidden treasure. Now I'm not talking about a literal treasure although that's fun too. I'm saying go out on a limb. Eat somewhere you haven't before, discover a hidden cave, look us in the old attic, venture down to your basement and find something amazing.
3. Get friends involved. What's finding hidden treasure and new passions without a few friends? And also... if you could, maybe invite people to follow this blog as well. My goal is to get to 30 followers by the end of this year, will you help me with that?
Alright, well that's all for now, see you in 10 days. And feel free to share your findings with me below! Let me know if something totally amazing happens! Love you all. Talk to you soon.
On my mind...,
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
My Life in Florida...
So, my life in Florida? I received the idea for this post from Nela at "Beloved Star." What is the great state of Florida like? First of all, I need to specify that there are 3 different parts of Florida. The Southern tip that consists of Miami and its surrounding areas is the first. Many of us Floridians refer to this as an extension of Cuba considering 99.9% of its inhabitants speak Spanish. "South Florida", the 2nd part of Florida, consists of a few cities, but mainly I think of it as Floridian suburbia and touristy beach shops (I inhabit this section). And then there's Northern Florida, which we choose to call Georgia. I can really only tell about "South Florida" although I have visited each of the other parts.
Days typically start for me around 10am (during the summers). I wake up, grab a South Beach Diet protein bar, and drink a glass of Floridian orange juice. That's our main product here (other than tourism and sunshine). Idaho has potatoes, Iowa has corn, Georgia has peaches, well, we've got oranges - tropical delicious oranges. My days typically vary but they're usually busied with shopping with friends, the beach, or going out for lunch with my sister. I live more in Floridian suburbia than the touristy area although I visit there often.
Its weird always feeling like I'm always on vacation during the summer. The beach is only 30 minutes away from my house and we've got a pool as well, so I'm always prepared at any moment to go swimming. Even in January, we heat up the pool so while you northerners are ice skating we're swimming in the pool, or even sometimes at the beach. I guess this is something I feel like we can boast about here in Florida. Its the beachy atmosphere and I love it. Its amazing how you can walk into a restaurant sandy and in a bathing suit and cover-up and no one treats it as unusual. Its also awesome how you can facebook your friends the day before and meet up at the beach, go to the usual lunch spot, and grab ice cream in your bathing suit when you're hot sitting by the water.
Many evenings I ride my bike around our neighborhood. The sun is setting the air is cooling. The day begins to wind down. In summer its light out in 8 or 8:30 which is rather nice. Its these days, I somehow manage to stay up til 2 almost every night. This probably isn't very healthy but that's just how the day goes I guess.
Part of me wishes that I grew up in the "small town" atmosphere where everyone knows each other. I kind of enjoy the natural beauty of old rustic barns, corn fields, and quaint shopping plazas. I mean don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with Florida's suburbs, planned landscaping, and international shopping malls, in fact that what makes my home what it is.
O yes, another defining point of Florida is its weather. Wow, our weather here is quite bipolar. It can be a perfectly beautiful day with cloudless skies and yet 30 minutes later a thunderstorm can somehow manage to form. During the summer it rains almost every afternoon or evening. It also unbearably humid all the time here. But the rains and humidity add to its tropical feel. In the end I love my home state. Rainy, tropical, cultural, beachy, whatever you call it, to me its home.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
A Higher Purpose.
God, let me be used for a higher purpose. I don't want to simply sit idly on the shore, waiting for a boat that never comes. I don't want to merely dream. I want to do. I want the desire to press on even when my passion runs dry. I want a bold fire that burns bright and large. Not so that the world will gaze at my fire in awe, but that they will see who the fire burns for. I want a higher purpose, I want a calling on my life - one that directs all glory and praise to you. This is my desire. But Lord, never let me forget it is You who called me. Let me not get caught up in the calling, but rather the Caller.
Holy Thoughts,
On my mind...
Monday, July 23, 2012
For the last 4 days, I've been away. In Arkansas. Yes, a small and seemingly forgettable state, but really, when you get the chance to glance around, its also full of natural beauty and rustic grace. I feel like I could go on and talk about it, but instead I'll let you decide. Below are some pictures my sister and I took.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Haiti Round 2.
Monday we took another four hour drive through the mountains to our next destination. In the afternoon when we arrived and did our first day of VBS for the children at the church. For the next 3 days we would be teaching these same children about Christ and camping out in tents at the very place where we taught. It was definitely a stretch. We peed in hole or in the forest, took showers out of buckets, and slept on the hard ground in our tents. It was then I realized that simple things like sleep or a quiet place to rest or even a toilet were luxuries not to be taken for granted.
Monday and Tuesday night we went out into populated areas around the church and had Christian movie showings in creole. Each movie we showed was accompanied by a drama as well. On Tuesday night I performed in one of our dramas. The crowd was as large as 200 people. I was not only nervous in front of such a large crowd but also felt that my ability to perform would impact the lives of those in the audience. Stepping out in front of such a large crowd seemed terrifying at first, but as I continued to take the drama step by step God relieved my nervous heart and allowed me to perform wonderfully for his glory.
On Wednesday we finished up VBS and rode back to the missions house. Running water and electricity were truly appreciated and I think we were all overjoyed to see our porcelain throne once again in the bathroom. After group worship and a restful evening we fell asleep and slept in late until Thursday, our last full day of work in Haiti.
If there's one thing I learned on this trip its this: God will use us for great things as long as we deny ourselves and become His hands and feet. When I put aside my fears and my complaints, God stretched me and used me to accomplish His will in ways I'd never imagine. A year ago, I would have never wanted to lead worship for my mission team. A year ago I would have hated to go and street evangelize. A year ago I wouldn't have wanted to perform a drama in front of hundreds. But as I've grown in Christ I've learned to surrender my fears. And what happened? God has done great things. And I've loved it.
Holy Thoughts,
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Guest Post: Few-and-far-between Friends
As you read this, I'm in Haiti again on a mission trip with my church! So being occupied here, I've asked my sister (and best friend) to write a guest post for you all! She too has her own blog called "Sweeter than Honey." You can look at it here! Please check it out and even follow, her heart for Christ truly shows throughout her writing. So, without any further wait... I'll hand this post over to her!
Tonight I sit in my own room typing on my computer. I'm alone and the room is quiet. Click click click go the computer keys. Right now I'm not drinking snapple peach tea or recounting the day's events. I am not watching a silly romantic comedy that I have memorized because I have seen it too many times. I am not talking about what God revealed to me today or passionately explaining how burdened I am for a certain ministry, country, or person. I miss my sister. Because if she were here, that's what I would be doing.
Over the past 17 years, my friendship with Brittany Audrey has really grown and blossomed. And though we both now are beginning to separate paths- with me going away to college in the fall and her preparing to go somewhere else next year, I still know our friendship will survive. After 17 years of cheesy chick-flick watching, crying, crafting, traveling, laughing, encouraging one another, eating Coldstone's together, and simply talking, I trust our friendship, with God's help, can survive just about anything.
One of the things I have realized I treasure most about our friendship is the honesty and accountability we hold each other to. Since I recently led a camp group of 10 high school girls, I realized how few-and-far-between true accountability is. It's difficult at my church to find a group of peers that you can be honest around- admit your faults and proclaim your victories to. It's also even more challenging to find older women to look up to- to seek advice from.
I think some of the biggest influences in how my life has gone thus far are these people- the accountability partners and mentors. They have encouraged me to stand strong in God when I felt like giving up. They heard me out when I did not know what to do or was overwhelmed with fear or doubt. They proclaimed to me God's truth when lies were overcoming me.
Of these, Brittany has been the most consistent. It's beautiful how God puts people in our lives that help us draw closer to Him. It's even more beautiful to know that mine is my sister- and that I can always count on her.
Lissa Anne
Tonight I sit in my own room typing on my computer. I'm alone and the room is quiet. Click click click go the computer keys. Right now I'm not drinking snapple peach tea or recounting the day's events. I am not watching a silly romantic comedy that I have memorized because I have seen it too many times. I am not talking about what God revealed to me today or passionately explaining how burdened I am for a certain ministry, country, or person. I miss my sister. Because if she were here, that's what I would be doing.
Over the past 17 years, my friendship with Brittany Audrey has really grown and blossomed. And though we both now are beginning to separate paths- with me going away to college in the fall and her preparing to go somewhere else next year, I still know our friendship will survive. After 17 years of cheesy chick-flick watching, crying, crafting, traveling, laughing, encouraging one another, eating Coldstone's together, and simply talking, I trust our friendship, with God's help, can survive just about anything.
One of the things I have realized I treasure most about our friendship is the honesty and accountability we hold each other to. Since I recently led a camp group of 10 high school girls, I realized how few-and-far-between true accountability is. It's difficult at my church to find a group of peers that you can be honest around- admit your faults and proclaim your victories to. It's also even more challenging to find older women to look up to- to seek advice from.
I think some of the biggest influences in how my life has gone thus far are these people- the accountability partners and mentors. They have encouraged me to stand strong in God when I felt like giving up. They heard me out when I did not know what to do or was overwhelmed with fear or doubt. They proclaimed to me God's truth when lies were overcoming me.
Of these, Brittany has been the most consistent. It's beautiful how God puts people in our lives that help us draw closer to Him. It's even more beautiful to know that mine is my sister- and that I can always count on her.
Lissa Anne
God's Beauty,
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
"It’s the moment when humanity
Is overcome by majesty
When grace is ushered in for good
And all our scars are understood
When mercy takes its rightful place
And all these questions fade away
When out of the weakness we must bow
And hear You say “It’s over now.”
-The Hurt & The Healer (MercyMe)
Holy Thoughts,
Quotes/ Verses
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Cinderella Sunset.
Tonight was another one of those evenings. Where the air tastes like cotton candy and the sunset smells sweeter than sugarcane. After a long day, I jumped on my bike and rode throughout our neighborhood - sprinkles misting, wind through my hair, the whole deal... it was gorgeous. The moon hung on one end of the sky slowly glowing as the sun set. And oh the sun... it and all its glory shone red with clouds of pink and orange. My word, it was gorgeous. It was like Cinderella's sunset, when she arrived at before twilight at the castle. I couldn't help but smile... You may say that I'm a dreamer... but I'm not the only one.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Post 100!
Its my 100th post everyone! Yay to me. Yay to us! I feel like I should write out some huge letter explaining why this is so special and how I feel empowered by this experience, but I shall save both of us the time. However, I feel that's its necessary to reflect on all God's taught me through this blog. I started off with intentions to share my thoughts and what's God's taught me, but this has become to much more. I've poured out my feelings to you all, my heartaches, my desires, and deepest ponderings. So thank-you all for listening and reading. Below I am posting the links to my top 10 favorite posts I've ever written so enjoy! Click away. Read up. And hopefully get others to follow too!
1. What's with the name?
2. Me... A Princess?
3. Childhood on a Bike
4. Eden.
5. Vintage Clothes
6. le reveur
7. Where are the dreamers?
8. Fearless?
9. What's love these days?
10. People Pleaser?
1. What's with the name?
2. Me... A Princess?
3. Childhood on a Bike
4. Eden.
5. Vintage Clothes
6. le reveur
7. Where are the dreamers?
8. Fearless?
9. What's love these days?
10. People Pleaser?
On my mind...,
Sunday, June 24, 2012
My Heart Sings
I'm sorry I haven't written in a while, I've been at my church's summer camp for the past 5 days. And in my entire life, nothing has ever come close to what I felt while there. It was 5 days of spiritual refreshment. I have never been full of such joy. I was accepted for who I was. I was needed. I realized who I was, not simply as an individual, but as a child of Christ.
In the past 5 days I changed. I used to recognize myself as dreamer and utter romantic and truly, that is who am... but that is not the only thing that defines me. At camp I realized my definition does not simply come from the way I feel when I read romance novels, no... my definition is in Christ alone. During our first worship time at camp God revealed 3 small statements to me, but all with huge implications. He said to me, " You are treasured. You are loved. You... are Mine." And the effect that this had on me was astounding. Sure, being a hopeless romantic who views the world carelessly is good, but what if God views me as something even greater. What if what I have in my store for myself is good, but what God has is earth-shattering? What if I settle for the good when he has great for me?
With the knowledge of God's huge plans for me, my heart began to sing. I was not only needed, I was desperately needed in the huge scheme of all history. God has a place for me in this earth. How do I attain it? I surrender my will and grasp for His. I become audacious for Him. I become like Moses who spoke on behalf of Israel for their exile from Egypt. I be bold like Joshua who led the Israelites into God's promise land. I surrender like Ruth who followed in God's will and put herself into the bloodline of Christ. I walk like Esther who walked before a king assuming her death in order to save the Jews. I live like Jesus... the boldest of them all.
In the past 5 days I changed. I used to recognize myself as dreamer and utter romantic and truly, that is who am... but that is not the only thing that defines me. At camp I realized my definition does not simply come from the way I feel when I read romance novels, no... my definition is in Christ alone. During our first worship time at camp God revealed 3 small statements to me, but all with huge implications. He said to me, " You are treasured. You are loved. You... are Mine." And the effect that this had on me was astounding. Sure, being a hopeless romantic who views the world carelessly is good, but what if God views me as something even greater. What if what I have in my store for myself is good, but what God has is earth-shattering? What if I settle for the good when he has great for me?
With the knowledge of God's huge plans for me, my heart began to sing. I was not only needed, I was desperately needed in the huge scheme of all history. God has a place for me in this earth. How do I attain it? I surrender my will and grasp for His. I become audacious for Him. I become like Moses who spoke on behalf of Israel for their exile from Egypt. I be bold like Joshua who led the Israelites into God's promise land. I surrender like Ruth who followed in God's will and put herself into the bloodline of Christ. I walk like Esther who walked before a king assuming her death in order to save the Jews. I live like Jesus... the boldest of them all.
Holy Thoughts,
Friday, June 15, 2012
Billows and Mangroves.
This week so far has been nothing but billowy clouds and large mangroves. Feathery skies and sparkling waters. Each day I've sat out in the sun soaking up the rays and washing my body in the warm salty ocean. Pure bliss, that's what its been.
The mornings are full of home-made bread and family laughter. The afternoons are occupied with sand and sunshine. The evenings are enjoyed with delicious barbecues and fun-filled games. The nights are relished with sweet slumber.
I've been resting. This has been a time to finally sit before the Lord in a restful spirit and praise Him for His blessings. Praise God for vacations while on summer holiday. Did I ever mention I'm in love with summer?
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Crackling. Flashing. Brightness collides in clattering booms and then... silence and the sound of tinkling rain. As I sit here and type away in the coziness of my own room lightning clashes away outside. Some complain and cry in fear of a lightning storm, me? Never. I sit near a window and take in the the beauty. It mesmerizes me. It grasps the breath right out me. I love its beauty and sound and heat. Its like the climax of every storm. As the soft rains form a song and the suspense builds, wind blows, a silent flash and CLASH! The pinnacle of the song has been reached. The trumpet has been played. The last note hit. And then the song begins again.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
That's where the fruit is.
Mark Twain once said, "Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is." And isn't it so true? Every time summer comes around I head to the library and rent books, do crafts, hang out with friends, and enjoy the long days of sunshine and rain. But for some reason this summer, I think God has something much more different and important for me. There's absolutely nothing wrong with reading, and doing crafts, and having fun with friends. All of those things are quite pleasurable and good for us, yet what if there's something God has for us that's so much more grand and special. So this summer. I'm going out on some limbs... cause that's where the fruit is, plus its a lot more adventurous than climbing on the same old trunk.
Limb #1: I'm going to my church's high school summer camp. I haven't gone yet, and this is my last chance to go since I'm a senior. Why is this hard? Well, none of my really close friends are going, I don't know a bunch of people there and I might now even be put in the same group as the few friends that are going. So, the possibility of spending 6 days with a huge group of people that I don't know somehow doesn't appeal to me. But, I'm tired of being afraid of these kind of things, so, I'm taking the climb out on this limb.
Limb #2: I tried out to sing for my church's worship team and... after 3 weeks of waiting for an answer... I'm now on it! Excitement and fear enters me at the thought of singing in front of all those people. I honestly am scared out of my mind to do anything in front of a large group of people. And singing? I love it... but on a more recluse stage... like in the shower. Not as much in front of other, but God has called me to this and I'll be obedient to His calling, I'm sure he knows what He's doing.
Limb #3: I'm going to Haiti again. Although I wouldn't say I'm afraid to go to Haiti, I guess it could be considered out of my comfort zone. But, you see, last time I was there I felt more at home than I do here in the states. It's my calling and I absolutely love it there, but I'm sure this time around God's going to stretch me much more. So one more limb to climb out on.
So with all these limbs to climb, I'm going to need a little more strength from God. The other night as I searched the Bible looking for inspiration and strength to take on so much, I recognized I am not the only one who's ever been called out of their comfort zone. There are plenty of examples. Esther, Moses, Joshua, Abraham, Sarah, Paul, Peter, and Timothy. And even more to count. So, what did God tell of of these Biblical limb climbers? He said,
Limb #1: I'm going to my church's high school summer camp. I haven't gone yet, and this is my last chance to go since I'm a senior. Why is this hard? Well, none of my really close friends are going, I don't know a bunch of people there and I might now even be put in the same group as the few friends that are going. So, the possibility of spending 6 days with a huge group of people that I don't know somehow doesn't appeal to me. But, I'm tired of being afraid of these kind of things, so, I'm taking the climb out on this limb.
Limb #2: I tried out to sing for my church's worship team and... after 3 weeks of waiting for an answer... I'm now on it! Excitement and fear enters me at the thought of singing in front of all those people. I honestly am scared out of my mind to do anything in front of a large group of people. And singing? I love it... but on a more recluse stage... like in the shower. Not as much in front of other, but God has called me to this and I'll be obedient to His calling, I'm sure he knows what He's doing.
Limb #3: I'm going to Haiti again. Although I wouldn't say I'm afraid to go to Haiti, I guess it could be considered out of my comfort zone. But, you see, last time I was there I felt more at home than I do here in the states. It's my calling and I absolutely love it there, but I'm sure this time around God's going to stretch me much more. So one more limb to climb out on.
So with all these limbs to climb, I'm going to need a little more strength from God. The other night as I searched the Bible looking for inspiration and strength to take on so much, I recognized I am not the only one who's ever been called out of their comfort zone. There are plenty of examples. Esther, Moses, Joshua, Abraham, Sarah, Paul, Peter, and Timothy. And even more to count. So, what did God tell of of these Biblical limb climbers? He said,
"Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you." (Deuteronomy 31:6)
On my mind...,
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